Tuesday 5th April
07:30 – 09:00
Global Logistics round table event with the Insider.
The Insider is organising a round table to highlight how improvement in skills, technology and work practices within the logistics sector is helping to grow the region’s overseas trade.
Jared Smith, Operations Manager, DHL, East Midlands Airport
Jack Kelly, Head of External Affairs, East Midlands Airport
Simon Hobbs, Vice-President, UK supply chain development, Ceva Logistics
Peter Isler, Managing Director, Baxter Freight
Dave Price, Operations Director, Fresh Logistics
Mary Ravenscroft, Midlands manager, Atradius
James Whybrow, Vice-Principal, Northampton College
Steve Barry, Director, Road Haulage Association
Julian Stott, Development Manager, MAG Property
Dave Graham, Business Development Senior Manager, PKF Cooper Parry