Redefining Productivity for the Northern PowerHouse 2017 Roundtable

Improving Productivity through enabling a changing workforce and responding to customer demands in a digital world

Insider and Vodafone brought together leading thinkers and doers to address the UK’s productivity crisis at a Northern Powerhouse breakfast and two roundtables.

The conference, held at Lancashire County Cricket Club, aimed to challenge how we think about productivity.

John McHugh, Head of Strategic & Commercial Marketing, MAG Property, attended the round table and explained his thoughts on productivity and responding to customer demands in a digital world;

“From an airport perspective, logistics is a big area and we have occupiers like Amazon and DHL at Manchester. It’s the biggest growing market in the property real estate sector because online shopping is going through the roof. They using processes like the Just-in-Time principles.

Productivity is key for them including automation but it’s not just about tech taking away the need for people. In those kinds of industries technology can be seen as a negative to reduce costs and automate but we are seeing certain companies streamlining operations alongside people.

In marketing spheres, better technology means there’s much more personalisation nowadays. People want to be treated as individuals, rather than just being sold to.

Some of the technologies have been around for less than ten years and move on quicker than people adapt. When Linkedin started people were just sold to straight away. It’s now connecting to someone but then meet in person – we’re using technology in marketing to create relationships.

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